FeaturesEPIPRODUCTSSquared up: US banks feel heat from digital disruptionUS lenders are feeling the pinch from a new wave of neobanks looking to steal their business, most recently SquareDEALSdLocal caps phenomenal year with soar-away IPOSTRATEGYFrom platforms to ecosystemsRESEARCH JP Morgan and FreedomPay urge merchants to invest in data-led paymentsREGULATIONPayments 2030: the FCA lays out a vision for the next decadeTECHNOLOGYWhy do shoppers abandon carts?RESEARCHCovid-19 has altered businesses paymentsCIProductsHyundai Card blazes innovative PLCC trail in KoreaPrivate label credit cards are emerging as an area of strategic focus for credit card issuers in Korea and Hyundai Card is leading the wayREGULATIONThe law of unintended consequencesThere are lessons to be learned from past cyber assaults. Mohamed Dabo reportsOPEN BANKINGTackling top challenges with Open BankingBNPL outfits have been criticised for lack of transparency. Evie Rusman writesTECHNOLOGYAppian’s low code expertise can help optimise KYC and AML compliance06/30/2024 20:19:58